Programs & Meetings


Check out our calendar!  Each month, we have a different, exciting speaker or workshop.  We’ve also added several of our regular committee meetings.  Don’t forget to visit our membership page to see how you can join the Mason County Garden Club. 

We do not expect 2024 to have cancellations.  However, we adhere to CDC guidelines as well as our venue so please check back here to see if programs and committees gatherings have changed.  Most of our outdoor events are “rain or shine” so be prepared with your umbrella.

Special Events:


In addition to our monthly meetings, we have several other events and fundraisers.  Our Spring Plant Exchange will take place on Saturday, June 1st, our Garden Walk on July 14th, and the Fall Plant Sale will be held on Sept 7th.

Checkout other events on our calendar.


Mason County Garden Club

A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation

P.O. Box 193

Ludington, MI 49431

Member, National Garden Clubs Inc., Central Region, &

Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc., District V

Regular Meetings: 4th Thursday of each month, March through October

3rd Thursday in November, 1:00pm

Meeting Location: 5810 Bryant Rd., Ludington, MI

Holiday Luncheon: 2nd Thursday in December

Want More Information?


Mason County Garden Club

A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation

P.O. Box 193

Ludington, MI 49431

Member, National Garden Clubs Inc., Central Region, &

Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc., District V

Regular Meetings: 4th Thursday of each month, March through October

3rd Thursday in November, 1:00pm

Meeting Location: 5810 Bryant Rd., Ludington, MI

Holiday Luncheon: 2nd Thursday in December

Want More Info?