
Our newsletters are chock full of advice, local events, and activities, tidbits for your garden and kitchen, and general information about our Club. We experienced a hiatus during 2016 and 2018 but renewed our newsletter in 2019. Look here for future newsletters. Enjoy!

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Mason County Garden Club

A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation

P.O. Box 193

Ludington, MI 49431

Member, National Garden Clubs Inc., Central Region, &

Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc., District 5

Regular Meetings: 4th Thursday of each month, March through October

3rd Thursday in November, 1:00pm

Meeting Location: 5810 Bryant Rd., Ludington, MI

Holiday Luncheon: 2nd Thursday in December

Want More Information?


Mason County Garden Club

A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation

P.O. Box 193

Ludington, MI 49431

Member, National Garden Clubs Inc., Central Region, &

Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc., District 5

Regular Meetings: 4th Thursday of each month, March through October

3rd Thursday in November, 1:00pm

Meeting Location: 5810 Bryant Rd., Ludington, MI

Holiday Luncheon: 2nd Thursday in December

Want More Info?